Thigh Lift Surgery

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Thigh Lift Surgery

The Thigh Lift procedure is performed to restore symmetry and address thigh laxity.

The area that usually shows the most pronounced relaxation is the inner thigh surface and secondarily the anterior, lateral and posterior. The causes of sagging are varied, the main ones being weight fluctuations due to dieting or childbirth, ageing and heredity. Usually, thigh sagging coexists with sagging and drooping buttocks, so the two problems must be treated simultaneously

Cosmetic Derma Medicine Facilities


The specialized medical team, modern medical methods and the modern and luxurious spaces of the clinics offer the ultimate experience of hospitality, service and provision of health and beauty services.

Thigh Lift Surgery

Planning prior to surgery

Preoperative planning is performed with the patient initially in a supine position with the thighs slightly flexed and in abduction. Incisions are made in such a way that they are not visible and are hidden by the folds of the buttocks and the patient’s desired undergarments.

The upper incision is made just above the thigh bone area, within the hairs. The lower incision is performed at the lower border of the loose area and the posterior extension is hidden within the gluteal fold.

Thigh Lift Surgery

Surgical Intervention

Thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia and initially with the patient in a prone position (prone). The excess skin is cut and removed, together with the subcutaneous fat, while the skin is pulled upwards and fixed in its new upright position.

After suturing the wound, the patient is placed in a supine position and the removal of the excess skin on the medial-anterior surface is completed. If a buttock drop is present during the same operation, it is also corrected by buttock lift. There is also often excess fat in the thigh area and at the same time as the lift, thigh liposuction is performed.

Thigh Lift Surgery

Postoperative Course

A pressure bandage is applied to the patient immediately after the thigh lift surgery. The patient should be immobilized for 24 – 48 hours. On the second day, the first wound change can be made and the patient can be mobilized, but should avoid the sitting position. Antibiotics are taken for about 7 days and discharge from the clinic usually happens on the 3rd day. Stitches are all removed within 15 days and a special elastic and pressure corset is recommended to be worn for about 30-40 days.

Complications from a thigh lift are rare when performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon and in a well-organized clinic. Immediate complications such as hematoma and inflammation are treated by inserting a shunt and taking antibiotic treatment. Late complications are the formation of a scar and possible change in the shape of the labia majora. Late complications are avoided by proper planning preoperatively.

The results of thigh lift are very good if the right patient selection is made and are permanent if the patient avoids severe weight fluctuations and exercises.

The contribution of thigh lift surgery to a woman’s psychology and sex life is also important.


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The specialized medical team, the modern medical methods and the modern and luxurious spaces of the clinics offer the ultimate experience of hospitality, service and provision of health and beauty services.

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Cost of Medical Visit 50€