PRP - Facial Autologous Mesotherapy

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Facial Autologous Mesotherapy

What is PRP – Facial Autologous Mesotherapy

Also known as PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), autologous facial mesotherapy is the top custom made treatment that prevents and treats the signs of aging, facial sagging, fine wrinkles and skin discoloration.
The Vampire Lift, as it has come to be called among celebrities who have incorporated it into their beauty routine, is superior to simple mesotherapy because it uses material from the body’s own body (blood plasma) instead of synthetic material during application, hence the designation “autologous”.

Treatment Duration 20-30 minutes
Result Appears Right after treatment – Final results upon completing a
Results Duration Up to 12 months
Cost Starts at 99€ (session price per package deal)
Technique Injectable, non-invasive treatment
Doctor’s Specialty Dermatologist, Plastic Surgeon
Pain Level Painless
Anaesthesia Local anesthetic cream
Recovery Time Face redness for the first hours after treatment

The treatment – Results

  • PRP Facial Mesotherapy

  • PRP Facial Mesotherapy

  • PRP Facial Mesotherapy

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Cosmetic Derma Medicine Facilities


The specialized medical team, modern medical methods and the modern and luxurious spaces of the clinics offer the ultimate experience of hospitality, service and provision of health and beauty services.


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Before – After


What is it

Thanks to its excellent performance, Autologous Mesotherapy is applied in a multitude of cases in the field of modern Aesthetic Medicine for the prevention and treatment of skin aging, wrinkles, scars, skin relaxation and hair loss, while it is gradually expanding to the entire spectrum of medical science.

The advantage of Facial Autologous Mesotherapy lies in the fact that we harness the powers of our own body. More specifically, the treatment takes advantage of the growth factors of our blood. These are proteins with regenerative and reparative properties, responsible for repairing damaged tissues.

To carry out the treatment, blood is taken (5-15 ml) from the person concerned and then centrifuged to isolate the growth factors of our blood, which are then activated by adding a solution of nucleotides (DNA activator) and calcium ions. Finally, this versatile mixture of growth factors is injected with Mesotherapy method into the areas of the skin where regeneration is needed, giving immediately and painlessly more youthful and radiant complexion. At the same time, tightening is induced and scars and marks on the skin are corrected.

Areas Of Application

  • Reduction of wrinkles on the face & neck
  • Improvement of the facial oval
  • Tightening of the face and neck
  • Healing of scars from burns, surgeries and wounds – either as a monotherapy or in combination with CO2 Fractional Laser
  • Acne scar resurfacing on face, back & chest – Advanced results in just 6-8 sessions
  • Elimination of stretch marks – even the most stubborn red ones – in combination with CO2 Fractional Laser
  • Regeneration and tightening of the body in areas such as inner and outer thighs, abdomen, knees and thighs.
  • Treatment of Hair Loss, Androgenetic, Diffuse or Gyroid Alopecia with impressive results

Total Plasma Lift

To achieve even better results, Autologous Mesotherapy can be combined with CO2 Fractional Laser, which utilizes the regenerative properties of plasma and activated platelets of our blood, accelerating and increasing the rate of skin regeneration. The impressive results of the treatment make it the ideal choice for those who want a completely non-invasive method for facial skin regeneration that will painlessly, easily and quickly provide a younger-looking skin.

The Revolutionary Combination of Fractional CO2 & Autologous Facial Mesotherapy

  • Preparation

    Local anesthesia with cream 30 minutes before the treatment

  • Treatment

    Duration does not exceed 30 minutes

  • Maintenance

    4-6 sessions per month for amazing results

How it is applied

  • 1 – Blood collection

    A small amount of blood is taken from the patient

  • 2 – Centrifugation

    Centrifugation is performed at specific revolutions per minute (RPM) and for a specific time

  • 3 – DNA activation

    Activation with a nucleotide solution and the addition of calcium ions

  • 4 – Injection

    Injection via mesotherapy over the whole face


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The specialized medical team, the modern medical methods and the modern and luxurious spaces of the clinics offer the ultimate experience of hospitality, service and provision of health and beauty services.

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Cost of Medical Visit 50€