PDT Photodynamic Acne Treatment

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PDT Photodynamic Acne Treatment

PDT Photodynamic Treatment is the newest and most revolutionary treatment for active Acne in modern Dermatology.

Treatment Duration 10-15 minutes
Result Appears Right after treatment – Final results after completing a set of sessions
Results Duration Up to 6 months
Cost Starts at 99€ (session price per package deal)
Technique Νon-invasive treatment
Doctor’s Specialty Aesthetician, Dermatologist
Pain Level Painless
Anaesthesia None
Recovery Time Zero time is needed
Consultation Appointment Free of charge

The treatment – Results

  • Photodynamic Acne Treatment

  • Photodynamic Acne Treatment

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Before – After


General Information

It is known that acne improves considerably after exposure to sunlight, due to the antibacterial action and the effect of UV rays on the immune system.

For several years, UV acne phototherapy was the treatment of choice for active acne, but later it proved to be a factor in photocarcinogenesis and photoaging.

Since then, various wavelengths have been used to combat acne and until recently, light sources such as red/blue light, intense pulsed light (IPL) and laser have been used to treat acne.


The innovative method of PDT Photodynamic Therapy offers a solution where other methods of Acne Treatment do not work. As the Dermatologist – Venereologist Dr. Amalia Tsiatoura explains, in some cases, Local and Systemic treatments for acne are impossible to apply due to the patient’s individual or family medical history and the adverse effects that accompany them. At the same time, it is approved for use in clinical practice and is completely safe and effective.

Modern dermatology harnesses the power of light to address the main factors involved with the pathogenesis of acne without the undesirable effects of topical or systemic antibiotics, hormones and retinoids. Photodynamic treatment (PDT) has been shown to have antibacterial action, anti-inflammatory action, as well as action against seborrhea. It leads to a reduction in the number of P. acnes bacteria and a reduction in the secretion of sebum and the size of the sebaceous glands.

Life-giving visible light – blue (430-500μm) or red (550-700μm) – penetrates below the surface of the skin, targeting Porphyrins IX, products resulting from the metabolism of bacteria such as P. Acnes in the skin.

In Cosmetic Derma Medicine, the conduct of PDT Photodynamic Therapy relies on the epidermal application of a specific photosensitizing substance to target the hair glands and increase the production of Porphyrins IX (Porphyrins IX), which are activated by exposure to visible light and induce a photodynamic reaction that eliminates pathogenic bacteria.


  • 1. Spread

    In the first stage, the photosensitising substance is administered to the patient by topical application and bound by the target cells.

  • 2. Activation

    In the second stage, the photosensitiser is activated by oxygen and by the delivery of a specific wavelength of light.

  • 3. Sterilization

    This activation leads to the production of free radicals resulting in the death of the bacteria and sterilization of the area.

Treatment Mechanism

Photodynamic Acne Treatment PDT requires 3 basic elements to work:

  • Photosensitizer
    Light-based acne treatment relies on the ability of P. Acnes bacteria to produce porphyrins as a metabolic product. These porphyrins act as endogenous photosensitizers within the hair follicle and are activated by visible light, inducing a photochemical reaction that eradicates the bacteria. The external application of photosensitizer leads to an increase in the concentration of porphyrins, which when exposed to visible light produce free radicals that destroy the bacterium P. Acnes.
  • Light source
    The wavelength chosen for the light source depends on the depth at which penetration is desired. The absorption of porphyrins is within the visible spectrum, at a wavelength of 300-650 nm. Blue light has been shown to be more active in activating porphyrins than red light, but red light penetrates deeper into the skin. A special device emitting at this specific wavelength is used as a source of blue and red light.
  • Oxygen (O2)
    Porphyrin IX is stimulated by the application of visible light and reacts with oxygen, resulting in the production of reactive oxygen free radicals, which cause membrane damage and consequently cell death. This is how the bactericidal action is achieved.


The advantages of PDT Photodynamic Acne Treatment are multiple, as the method combats the main pathogenic mechanisms involved in the problem of acne, achieving:

  • Antibacterial Action (Significant reduction in the concentration of the bacterium P. Acnes)
  • Anti-inflammatory Action
  • Action against seborrhea
  • Action against hyperkeratinization of the hair follicle
  • Increase in the production of fibroblasts
  • Increase of collagen & elastin production
  • Enhancement of vasodilation, blood circulation and oxygen to the tissues

Benefits of PDT Photodynamic Acne Treatment

  • Gender

    Can be applied to both men and women

  • Age

    It can be applied to adults as well as teenagers

  • Safety

    It is a safe treatment with no complications or risks