Breast Lift

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Breast Lift

Breast lift aims to restore the shape, volume and elasticity of the breasts without increasing or reducing their size. The main indication for breast lift surgery is the fall of the breasts without their hypertrophy. The fall of the breasts, in relation to the position of the nipple, is distinguished in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th degree.

Cosmetic Derma Medicine Facilities


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Breast Lift


There are two basic techniques for breast lift (mastopexy), depending on the degree of the fall. The Dufourmentel-Mouly oblique lateral method for minor falls and the Robins breast lift technique for more severe breast falls. All breast lift procedures aim to remove excess skin and fix the nipple at a higher level with the least possible scarring. Breast lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

  • Grade I breast drop: if the breast size is small, the drop is treated by placing small silicone implants.
  • Grade II breast ptosis: if the breast is small, silicone implants are selected and placed, leading to breast lift. In the case of larger breasts, part of the skin around the areola is removed and the position of the nipple is raised.
  • Grade III breast ptosis: in this case, a V-shaped section of skin is removed from under the areola and the nipple is lifted.
  • Grade IV, V breast ptosis: : this requires the removal of a large amount of skin and the positioning of the nipple in a higher position, is technically more difficult and requires the creation of a flap for the safe transfer of the nipple to a higher position.

Breast Lift


Depending on the position of the nipple, breast drop is divided into the following categories:

Grade I: Pseudoptosis, slight breast ptosis, nipples remain above the inframammary fold

Grade II: Slight breast ptosis, nipples remain at the level of the inframammary fold

Grade ΙΙΙ: Moderate breast ptosis, nipples below the inframammary fold but visible

Grade IV: Severe breast ptosis, nipples barely visible

Grade V: Severe breast ptosis, nipples hidden behind the lower pole of the breasts

Pseudoptosis: Breast is drooping, with the breast contour below the inframammary fold, but the nipple – areola complex is above the fold.

Breast Lift

What You Should Know

  • Lifetime of the inserts

    Silicone implants used for breast augmentation (breast plastic surgery) have a lifespan of more than 10 years. There are implants that have a lifetime guarantee from the manufacturer. However, a woman may choose to change them after a number of years due to age, pregnancy, etc. In most cases, the inserts do not need to be changed.

  • Postoperative course

    After the operation, a special pressure bandage is applied for about 2-3 days. The pressure bandage is then removed and replaced by a special bra.

    A mild massage can help to remove the swelling and decongestion of the area. Stitches are removed at 10 days and avoiding vigorous hand movement and exercise is recommended for the first month.

  • Complications

    Complications are not common and are limited by the correct application of the appropriate technique, the experience and expertise of the surgeon, the placement of the appropriate size of the implant, preventive antibiotic treatment and the patient’s adherence to the instructions. The main complications are haematoma formation (which will require drainage), hypertrophic scarring and loss of nipple sensation. After the breast lift procedure, swelling, numbness in the breast area or bruising may occur, which resolves within a month.

    Postoperative pain can be managed with analgesics, and the patient can return to mild work after 1-2 weeks and to full activity in 3-4 weeks. As far as breastfeeding is concerned, if implants are also placed, it is not affected in any way.


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The specialized medical team, the modern medical methods and the modern and luxurious spaces of the clinics offer the ultimate experience of hospitality, service and provision of health and beauty services.

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Cost of Medical Visit 50€