Genital Warts

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Genital Warts - Symptoms, Transmission and Treatment

Permanent genital warts removal in 1 visit

Painless, fast, discreet, with a definitive result in just 1 visit!

Do not hesitate. CO2 Laser treatment for warts is more painless, simple, discreet and effective than ever before. After just one session, you will feel comfortable with your body again and safely enjoy your private moments!

In addition, the carbon dioxide laser has the advantage of being able to detect and treat even very small lesions, in all areas where the lesions are located, and act while leaving the surrounding tissue intact.

This means safety, zero pain and immediate recovery!

  • Choice of male or female doctor for treatment

  • Complete and definitive treatment of warts in just 1 visit

  • Fully personalized treatment with CO2 Laser

  • Lower risk of recurrence in acute warts

  • Bloodless and painless treatment, without scarring and damage to surrounding tissues

  • No scars and embarrassment in your private moments

  • Short recovery time

  • Treatment accessible to all, without discrimination

  • Immediate return to daily activities

Treatment Method Laser CO2
Treatment Duration From 5-10 minutes depending on the extent of the damage
Result Appears Immediately
Results Duration Definitive treatment
Cost Affordable to all
Doctor’s Specialty Dermatologist – Venereologist
Anaesthesia None
Pain Level Painless
Sessions Needed Only 1 – in the majority of cases
Recovery Time Up to 7 days – depending on the size of the extent of the damage

Cosmetic Derma Medicine Facilities


The specialized medical team, modern medical methods and the modern and luxurious spaces of the clinics offer the ultimate experience of hospitality, service and provision of health and beauty services.


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Fast, safe and effective

Laser for definitive warts treatment

Complete elimination, painlessly, discreetly, in just 1 session! The treatment of warts with CO2 Laser is the most effective method. With the use of CO2 Laser, even the most tiny lesions that are not visible to the naked eye, but are a major cause of recurrences, can be treated. In addition to its effectiveness, Laser wart treatment has many other advantages:

  • The treatment is completely personalized. The doctor makes all the necessary adjustments to the laser according to the lesions, targeting the warts with absolute precision.
  • Laser wart treatment is bloodless, painless, leaves no scars or marks on the skin and the treatment of the problem is definitive – in just one session.
  • After the treatment there is an excellent aesthetic result.
  • Finally and very important: Clinical studies have shown that applying lasers to acute warts is associated with a lower risk of recurrence, as their reappearance afterwards is significantly reduced.
Laser treatment for warts

Examination and treatment for warts

Step by Step

1st Step

For many patients, the gender of the doctor who will perform the treatment for warts is important. At our clinic, you can choose to be treated by a male or female dermatologist.

The doctor clinically examines the lesions and asks for information about your medical history, sexual relationships, how long the lesions have been present, and whether you have had warts before.

During the examination, the doctor may check for other possible locations to fully map the lesions. If he or she deems it necessary, he or she will request a DNA test to determine the type of virus and the most appropriate treatment.

Visit to the dermatologist for warts.

2nd Step

The most reliable and effective treatment for warts is the CO2 Laser which eliminates all lesions, even those not visible to the naked eye, to minimize the chance of recurrence and transmission of the infection.

Treatment for warts with Laser CO2 is usually completed in a single session. After it is over, the doctor gives instructions on how to care for the area. Regular re-examination is recommended for some time to rule out any recurrence of the warts.

In addition, the doctor recommends checking the sexual partner to prevent reinfection between the couple and the inevitable recurrence of warts.

Laser treatment for warts

Genital Warts How to identify them

Genital warts vary and can look completely different in each patient. Some warts may be covered by the hair in the area making them more difficult to spot, while in some cases they may initially go unnoticed, looking like small pimples or moles.

In general, warts can be few or numerous, small or large, in groups or singly, with a smooth or rough surface, or protruding from the skin and looking like a tiny ‘cauliflower’. They may be white or the same color as the skin and are often extremely difficult to detect with the naked eye because of their small size. They usually do not cause itching, pain, or bleeding (unless they are larger and injured) and this is one of the reasons why a visit to the dermatologist may be delayed. throw

Transmission of genital warts

HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease. Transmission of warts is easiest when clinically visible warts are present, while in subclinical cases the likelihood of transmission of warts is significantly lower, but not non-existent.

The main ways of HPV transmission:

  • Vaginal contact
  • Rectal contact
  • Oral and genital contact
  • Contact with infected fingers
  • Contact with contaminated sex toys

A decisive factor in avoiding the transmission of the warts from one area to another is to avoid rubbing the area, e.g. with a sponge and shaving with a razor.

HPV virus

Diagnosis of warts

HPV type identification

Accurate diagnosis of warts and identification of the type of HPV is extremely important before treatment, as some types of the virus can be oncogenic, so the monitoring and treatment plan changes.

The best method of identification is the HPV virus DNA detection test, which also determines whether the virus is low or high risk. It is applied to all HPV lesions, both in the man and the woman by taking a cervical smear in women or a tissue sample from the lesion in men.

DNA test for the detection of HPV viruses

Other treatment methods for warts

Areas where warts appear

  • Warts in women

    In women, warts are usually found in the vaginal area, cervix, labia minora and majora, and urethra, and sometimes, more rarely, they can develop in the bladder. The causes that encourage acute warts to develop are trichomoniasis infection, some other infections that cause increased vaginal discharge and pregnancy. In pregnancy, warts can grow and spread more easily.

    Finally, warts can develop inside the oral cavity, on the lips, or even the throat, in both men and women.

  • Warts in men

    In men, warts are usually located in the area of the glans, the body of the penis, the scrotum, the epididymis, the inner petal of the foreskin, the urethra and rarely in the bladder. Causes that help acute warts to develop are topical corticosteroid use, urethritis, mucositis, immunosuppression and oxyuria. We have high incidence rates in the development of warts in HIV carriers, in chronic immunosuppressive drug users and in patients with diabetes mellitus.

    Finally, warts can develop inside the oral cavity, on the lips or even the pharynx in both men and women.

Acute warts Precancerous lesions

There are about 70 different genotypes of the human papillomavirus (HPV) and they are divided into high-risk and low-risk. Those classified as high-risk are associated with various cancers such as cervical, vaginal and vulvar, anal, penile and oropharyngeal cancers. An annual examination at the gynecologist and a regular Pap test can detect potentially cancerous lesions due to HPV in women promptly.

The low-risk HPV types are the ones most associated with warts, with HPV genotypes 6 and 11 being responsible for 90% of cases. HPV infection may have no symptoms at all and maybe fought by the immune system. But if this does not happen, then it can manifest itself in the form of warts (acute warts) on the genitals, in the oral cavity, or various other parts of the body.


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The specialized medical team, the modern medical methods and the modern and luxurious spaces of the clinics offer the ultimate experience of hospitality, service and provision of health and beauty services.

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Cost of Medical Visit 50€