What is Hair Loss

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Hair Loss, Causes & Treatment for Women, Men

STOP Hair Loss Top treatments for 2024

Are you tired of picking hair out of the bathtub, frustrated by hair loss treatments with zero results, want to style and cut your hair the way you like it and not the way your hair loss “forces” you to? Then trust us to solve your problem.

The top hair loss treatments include a holistic treatment: specialized treatments such as P.R.P. hair strengthening treatment and injectable minoxidil, conservative treatment and of course hair transplantation if deemed necessary.

  • 100% personalized treatment plan for a completely successful result

  • Stabilization of hair growth & strengthening of hairs

  • Digital 4D hair analysis & clinical diagnosis

  • Re-densification of hair and new growth

  • Combination of treatments and treatment for a visible result in 3 months

  • Regular reassessment & optimization of treatment tailored to the patient

Before – After


Accurate diagnosis and the top treatments for hair loss

  • Digital 4D Hair Analysis

    Examination duration 10 minutes
    Pain level Painless
    Cost Free of charge
    Advantages Precision measurement
    Diagnosis Density, diameter, quality of hair growth
    Repetition According to the doctor’s directions
  • Minoxidil treatment

    Treatment duration 15 minutes
    Results duration Perminently, as long as treatment is not interrupted
    Pain level Well tolerated
    Cost Affordable to all
    Result appears 4-6 months
    Technique Injectable, non-invasive treatment
    Anesthesia None – unless requested
    Recovery time Zero time is needed
  • P. R. P. hair strengthening treatment

    Treatment duration 15-30 minutes
    Results duration Up to 6 months
    Pain level Painless
    Cost Affordable to all
    Result appears In about 3 months
    Technique Injectable, non-invasive treatment
    Anesthesia None
    Recovery time Zero time is needed
  • Hair transplant

    Treatment duration Από 4 ώρες ανάλογα την περιοχή
    Results duration Perminently
    Pain level Painless
    Cost Upon medical assessment
    Result appears 4-6 months
    Technique Minimally invasive treatment
    Anesthesia Topical
    Recovery time 3-4 days

The most effective treatments for hair loss

If thinning hair has become a problem that affects your daily life, appearance and mood, at Cosmetic Derma Medicine we have the scientific knowledge to properly diagnose and treat hair loss, whatever its cause.

A few visits are all it takes to enjoy thick and strong hair, stop seeing your hair clumping in the brush, and get the haircut of your youth again!

Accurate diagnosis

Getting the right diagnosis is the key to seeing results from hair loss treatment. In Cosmetic Derma Medicine clinics, the diagnosis is carried out with the Digital 4D Hair Analysis device. It is a sophisticated method that combines micro camera technology and a sophisticated operating system so that the doctor can accurately assess the density and quality of hair growth as well as the diameter of the hairs.


Effective and time-tested, minoxidil belongs to the “first-line” treatments for hair loss. It is also the most commonly recommended treatment for all ages and both genders. Administered by injection, topical or oral, it promotes hair growth by dilating blood vessels and increasing the supply of nutrients to hair follicles. The result: longer duration of the growth phase of the hair life cycle, stronger and thicker hair.


Dutasteride is a treatment with extremely high efficiency in the treatment of hair loss – in fact, its administration is included in the best practices for almost every form of hair loss for men as well as for women after menopause. Dutasteride treatment is excellently combined with other conservative treatments such as P. R. P. hair strengthening treatment and its effectiveness is supported by many scientific researches. It is given either as a pill or by topical application.


Finasteride is another effective treatment that reduces hair loss, enhances hair follicle growth and strengthens existing hair. Its action is supported by clinical studies which, among other things, have shown that this treatment increases the number of hairs and their diameter in people with androgenetic alopecia, the most common form of hair loss. Finasteride can be combined with other hair loss treatments, such as P.R.P. hair strengthening treatment, and is recommended for men of all ages and postmenopausal women.

P. R. P. hair strengthening treatment

P. R. P. hair strengthening treatment is a proven and effective solution for hair loss in men and women that promotes the growth of hair follicles. It can be applied in cases of androgenetic alopecia and female pattern hair loss, either as monotherapy or in combination with other forms of conservative treatment. It is also considered necessary in the context of conservative treatment after hair transplantation. It is also a safe, effective treatment for alopecia areata.

Treatment for hair follicle nourishment with Dermaroller

An extremely effective and painless treatment for hair loss in men and women is the Dermaroller hair follicle nourishment and strengthening treatment, which has an added advantage: you can apply it yourself at home to maximize the effect!
The Dermaroller is a microneedling device that performs microneedling on the scalp skin increasing the ability of the treatment material, usually minoxidil, to penetrate the skin. At the same time, it induces local hyperemia that contributes to better oxygenation and nourishment of the hair follicles and stimulates the natural regeneration processes in the area, enhancing the strength and “waking up” the sleeping hair follicles. Result: stronger, richer and healthier hair
The first treatment session is always carried out in the dermatology clinic. Then the Dermaroller itself is given as a gift to patients to apply at home in combination with topical medication, following the doctor’s instructions.


Hair transplant

Hair transplantation is certainly not a conservative treatment, but a definitive solution for hair loss, both in men and women. It is a painless procedure that, when performed by experienced doctors and with the use of the most innovative application techniques and tools, offers the patient thick hair and a completely natural result.

In hair transplantation, healthy hair follicles are removed from an area of the scalp or body with sufficient hair growth (donor area), which are then implanted in the selected area with thinning or hair loss (recipient area).

Transplanted hair is your hair! Thus, they continue to grow, shed, and regrow like the rest of natural hair and can be maintained for life as long as the doctor’s advice is followed regarding the necessary maintenance treatment.

Cosmetic Derma Medicine Facilities


The specialized medical team, modern medical methods and the modern and luxurious spaces of the clinics offer the ultimate experience of hospitality, service and provision of health and beauty services.

The life cycle of hair

Hair loss is divided into normal and pathological. In normal hair loss, a number of 100 – 150 hairs are lost every day. In this case, the hair is replaced and grows again. In alopecia areata, some of the hair that falls out every day is not renewed, resulting in a thinning of the scalp.

Each hair on the scalp has its own life cycle and is divided into three phases:

  • Anagenous: Lasts 3-5 years and is the growth phase. At this stage the cells of the root multiply actively resulting in an increase in the length of the hairs. But this rate decreases as we grow older.
  • Catagenous: Lasts about 1-2 weeks and constitutes the phase of weakening and “preparation” of the hair for its fall. At this stage the hair stops growing.
  • Telogen: Lasts about 2-4 months and is the phase of hair loss. The hair follicle is still there and so the hair regenerates after a while.

Under normal conditions, 90% of hairs are in the anagen phase, while 10% are in the telogen phase. The first signs of temporary hair loss appear when the percentage of hairs in the telogen phase exceeds 20%.

The doctor explains the life cycle of hair.

Possible causes of hair loss

The symptoms

Recognizing the symptoms of hair loss can help in early detection and treatment. Common signs and symptoms include:

  • Gradual thinning of hair, especially on the top of the head (in both men and women).
  • Hairline receding, which is characterized by the hairline moving backwards.
  • Formation of bald spots on the scalp.
  • Excessive shedding of hair, often seen on the pillow, shower drain or brushes.
  • Reduction in hair density, resulting in thinning hair becoming more and more visible.

Symptoms can be temporary or long-lasting and vary depending on the underlying cause of the hair loss. It is important to consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Examination of the symptoms of hair loss by the dermatologist.

Types of hair loss

There are several types of hair loss, each with its own characteristics and underlying causes.

Androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss and is usually hereditary. It is characterized by gradual thinning of the hair, usually starting from the frontal area and temples in men, while in women it occurs with diffuse hair thinning. It is mainly attributed to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of testosterone, which has a strong androgenic effect and causes hair follicles to shrink.

Androgenetic alopecia.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, resulting in patchy hair loss. It can occur at any age and can lead to complete loss of hair on the scalp (alopecia totalis) or total alopecia (alopecia universalis) with loss of hair over the entire body. The exact cause of alopecia areata is not fully understood by scientists, but it is believed that a combination of genetic and environmental factors are involved.

Alopecia areata.

Telogen trichorrhoea

Telogen trichorrhoea is a temporary form of hair loss characterized by excessive hair shedding. It is often caused by physical or psychological stress, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, or certain medications or treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation. The condition disrupts the normal hair growth cycle, causing a much higher-than-normal number of hair follicles to enter the resting phase. Telogen hirsutism is usually reversible and hair growth returns once the underlying cause is treated.

Telogen trichorrhoea

Cicatricial Alopecia

Cicatricial alopecias are classified as primary or secondary. Primary cicatricial alopecia refers to a diverse group of rare autoimmune disorders such as lichen follicular and lupus erythematosus that destroy hair follicles, replace them with scar tissue, and cause permanent hair loss. In secondary cicatricial alopecias, the destruction of the hair follicle may be accidental from a process uncontrolled by the follicle or due to external injury, inflammation, burns, radiation, or neoplasms.

Cicatricial Alopecia.


Trichotillomania is hair loss caused by persistent pressure or chronic traction (pulling) on hair follicles. It is often the result of hairstyles that put too much pull on the hair, such as tight ponytails or prolonged use of hair extensions. Over time, constant pulling can lead to inflammation and damage to hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.


Diagnosis of hair loss