Breast Reduction

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Breast Reduction

Breast reduction is the surgical method to reduce breast size that can occur either for functional or for aesthetic reasons. A woman may wish to reduce the volume and weight of her breasts because it makes her daily life difficult, prevents her from engaging in sports activities, causes her neck and back pain, or simply because she believes that reducing the size of her breasts would have better aesthetic results.


Cosmetic Derma Medicine Facilities


The specialized medical team, modern medical methods and the modern and luxurious spaces of the clinics offer the ultimate experience of hospitality, service and provision of health and beauty services.


With breast reduction the breast size can be reduced from any size to the desired size. The indications for breast reduction surgery are as follows:

  • Breasts that have remained disproportionately large after pregnancies
  • Large breasts disproportionate to the rest of the body that cause aesthetic or orthopedic problems (back, back, shoulder pain)
  • Breasts that lead to limitation of a woman to participate in sports and other activities
  • Asymmetry of the breasts in order to bring the breasts back to the same size
  • Frequent mycosis, intertrigo and submammary due to the size of the breasts

Breast reduction can be performed at any age after adulthood and it has been found that due to a reduction in the mass gland, the chance of breast cancer is correspondingly reduced.


There are a variety of breast reduction techniques that offer good results with low complication rates.

With the patient in an upright position, the mid-chest line, the breast axis and the submammary junction are marked. The new position of the nipple is noted, which should be at a distance of 19-22 cm from the sternal grip.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia with the patient in a semi-sedentary position and with the upper limbs in abduction. Skin is removed with a piece of mass gland from the upper and lateral poles of the breasts. The size and location of the incision depends on the size of the breast, the elasticity of the skin, and the technique of the operation. The incision is made around the nipple area and continues vertically to the submammary fold. After the incisions are made, the nipple is positioned higher on the breast and the breast is reshaped to its original shape.

The wounds are sutured using multiple intradermal sutures, drainage is placed and pressure dressing of the breasts is applied. Also, if necessary, the size of the areola, the dark skin around the nipple, may be reduced. The degree of reduction depends on the body type of each woman.

Postoperative Course

After the operation, a special pressure bandage is applied for about 2-3 days. The pressure bandage is then removed and replaced by a special bra. Mild massage can help to remove the swelling and decongest the area. The stitches are removed at 10 days and during the first month it is recommended to avoid vigorous hand movement and exercise.


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The specialized medical team, the modern medical methods and the modern and luxurious spaces of the clinics offer the ultimate experience of hospitality, service and provision of health and beauty services.

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Cost of Medical Visit 50€