
They have written about our treatments:

Cryolipolysis - What is it

What is the treatment Cryolipolysis

Is it possible with just 1 session, painless and non-invasive, to lose local points and fat? It is possible, thanks to the effectiveness of cryolipolysis!

Cryolipolysis is one of the most popular treatments for fighting localized fat and for spectacular body contouring, from the very first session. It is the easiest way to get rid of localized fat on the double chin, abdomen, buns, sides of the waist, fatty areas around the chest, arms and knees forever.

In less than an hour, the low temperatures achieved during the treatment destroy accumulated fat cells, areas of localized fat are sculpted from scratch and your silhouette takes on a more harmonious appearance.

Treatment Duration 40-60 minutes
Result Appears 2-4 weeks after session
Results Duration Permanently, if your body weights stays stable
Cost Starts at 244€/session (session price per package deal)
Technique Non-invasive treatment
Doctor’s Specialty Dermatologist, Plastic Surgeon
Pain Level Painless
Anaesthesia None
Recovery Time Zero time is needed

The treatment – Results

  • Cryolipolisis

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Cosmetic Derma Medicine Medical Facilities


The specialized medical team, modern medical methods and the modern and luxurious spaces of the clinics offer the ultimate experience of hospitality, service and provision of health and beauty services.


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What is it

The treatment owes its name to the worldwide medical discovery of the effect of cold on adipose tissue, without damaging the skin, adjacent tissues and vessels.

More specifically, the method directly targets the accumulated fat cells and utilizes controlled low temperatures (-15oC to 0oC) to cause them to crystallize and eventually dissolve. The now dead fat cells are then gradually eliminated from our body through the lymphatic pathway.

The remaining fat cells are in turn led to a gradual shrinkage, reducing the fat layer and revealing the impressive results that until recently could only be achieved with the “traditional” invasive methods of liposculpture and liposuction.

Cryolipolysis treatment

Areas of application

Cryolipolysis can be applied mainly in:

  • Buttocks (Buns)
  • Thighs
  • Arms (Braces)
  • Belly
  • Waist

Before – After Results

The results of Cryolipolysis treatment are immediately visible and perfected within 2-3 months as the liquefied fat is naturally eliminated from our body. Massaging the area (mechanical Vacuum or not) and drinking plenty of water are recommended in order to facilitate the elimination of fat cells.

Exercise and a balanced diet rich in foods that hydrate the skin, strengthen collagen and prevent fat storage are always our strongest ally in maintaining the results of the treatment.

Cryolipolysis results before after

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The specialized medical team, the modern medical methods and the modern and luxurious spaces of the clinics offer the ultimate experience of hospitality, service and provision of health and beauty services.

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Cost of Medical Visit 50€